
Birje Kalmus

Attorney at Law

Main areas of activity

Commercial Law
Intellectual Property
Public Procurements
Settlement of disputes
Contract Law
Insurance Law
Labour Law
Family Law
Law of Succession
Data protection


Estonian, English


Tartu University, Faculty of Law (MA)
Tartu University, Government and Politics (BA)
Universidad de Valladolid (Spain), Faculty of Law


since 2021 – Law Firm LMP, Attorney at Law
since 2017 – Law Firm LMP, attorney

Law Firm LMP, intern
Tartu University Students’ Law Office, legal advisor


Estonian Bar Association


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Additional information

Birje is the right person private persons and enterprises can turn to when legal aid is required – either in extrajudicial proceedings or court action, or when a consultation, a preparation or a review of a contract is needed. Her strengths include integrity, concreteness, determination and thoroughness in order to help the client find the best possible solution.

She is helpful and caring and tries to find solutions to problems and settle burning issues. In attorney’s work she is mostly attracted by its variety – each case is unique and one never gets bored. Perpetual self-development is always guaranteed! Outside working hours Birje likes travelling and discovering new places.