
Grete Kirsimaa

Attorney at Law

Main areas of activity

Family Law
Law of Succession
Labour Law
Contract Law and Law of Obligation
Settlement of Disputes


Estonia, English, German


Tartu University, Faculty of Law (MA)


Since 2015 – Law Firm LMP, attorney

Law Firm LMP, lawyer
Tanel Melk & Partners Law Firm, senior lawyer
Actum Consult OÜ
Johanson Katrin ja Partnerid Õigusbüroo OÜ


Estonian Bar Association


Uuest aastast võib politsei elatisvõlglase sõiduki konfiskeerida

Laste roll õigusemõistmisel on kasvanud

Psühholoogiaprofessor ei osutunud pedofiiliks (ehk kas võitluses lapse hooldusõiguse pärast on kõik vahendid lubatud)

Laps peab saama mõlema vanemaga kohtuda

Töölepingu kirjaliku vormistamise tähtsus

Abieluvaraleping – miks tuleks sõlmida?

Mida tuleks kindlasti ettevõtte sisekorraeeskirja kirja panna?

Millal on tööandja huvi töötaja vastu õigustatud?

Praktilisi soovitusi elukoha üürijatele

Additional information

Grete is active in the area of Civil Law and mostly deals with issues concerning Family Law, Law of Succession and Contract Law. Her strengths include settling disputes and delving into the client’s objectives and the nature of problems. Being an empathetic person, she likes to cooperate with the client to find the best solution.

During her studies in the university Grete became aware of the wish to become a lawyer. The most attractive aspect of the lawyer’s work for her is the opportunity to study complicated and burning issues and solve conflicts people are not able to manage by themselves. As a person orientated on the results, Grete perceives motivation in the results of her work, when people can get back their peace of mind or their rights are acknowledged.